28 March 2015

Clean Slate.

Like what I did before on one occasion when I was 'moving' blogs, I have just removed ALL blog posts on this space on impulse. Well maybe not entirely on impulse. With retrospect, my content seem slightly cringe worthy (given the fact that the latest entry was a year old) like how we'd look at old photos and cringe so hard- or is that just me?

A few have mentioned that I should resume blogging but I am still undecided about it. Sometimes I feel that blogging is becoming passe. I wonder how I used to blog religiously every single day with dozens and dozens of photos. I am feeling the strain after just two paragraphs LOL #blogger'sblock but to give myself some credit, it is currently 0328 hours. I shall retire before I nod off in front of the screen. I totally jinxed myself when I made a passing remark on how I have been sleeping early lately. Ugh. 

I shall be back tomorrow with another entry. I hope. LOL.